We have to recognize one point that Windows login password in fact doesn’t protect our data in any meaningful way. Then why should we still set a Windows login password? Though login password cannot really protect important data in our PC really if someone resolved to hack, it can keep others off our computer to stop unauthorized access to our data and a strong enough password can increase the difficulty for hackers to crack effectively.
Are your password less than 6 characters? Are your password letters or numbers you frequently used? Are you using one password for all your accounts? Then I bet your password is easily and quickly cracked. If luckily your password keeps safe so far, it is only a matter of time before you can rest assured. Then what can be called a strong and secure password? Only several simple changes on the basis of your original password make it.
Write Down Password More Securely
Writing your password down is not a wise and feasible practice. It may be detected by others easily. In addition, Most of us have too many accounts on too many systems. Write down every password down is impossible. Then is there any good way that come between? Yes! You can compose your password of two parts to add an additional layer of security to your password. You can select one part of characters which you use most and think easiest for you to remember as a component of your entire passwords. And write down the other part of the password which is unique to certain account flexibly. For example, such a password can be Aunsoft2011, or Asunsoftqq2013.
Be Distinctive
A rule to select a secure password is as complex as possible. To be complex, the longer the better with the mix of various characters, letters with upper case and lower case, numbers and punctuations. Users to meet this rule tend to in the easiest way for them to remember, they tend to capitalize the first letter when demanding upper case characters in passwords. They choose the number “1” when demanding a number in passwords almost 3 times more likely than number “9”“8” or other numbers and “123456” is more than ten times as common as “654321” These are common practices hackers can conclude from their repeating hacking. So they know well how general users would set their password. Thus what we should do is to bypass and be distinctive from those common practices.
Improve Password Strength Checkers
Now that the developers allow users to create a password, it is responsible for them to take some measures to make sure that users can use the password securely. So in fact users are not entirely to be blamed for. The password strength checkers should analyze the password and filter those passwords too predictable at the same time of requiring users to strengthen their passwords with upper case and lower case letters, numerals and special characters. To achieve this is possible. Password strength checkers can parse passwords, break them into components and then score for each component by judging their commonality and later score the password based on the scores of its components on the whole.